The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023

Megan Jackson
November 22, 2023

Make your donations to Shannon Trust go twice as far this festive period by donating to The Big Give Christmas Challenge.


We are very excited to be joining hundreds of other charities in the UK’s biggest match funding campaign again this year, where all donations will be DOUBLED for one week only. That means for every £1 you donate, we get £2.


Donate to our Christmas challenge between midday Tuesday 28 November and midday Tuesday 5 December, to make double the impact to the 62% of people in prison who struggle to read.


The difference you could make


In our campaign last year, you helped us raise over £12,000 meaning we could cover the cost of learning materials required for 6 entire prisons.


This year, we are aiming to raise a total of £20,000 during the challenge. This funding could provide 571 new learners with a full set of Turning Pages manuals.


With your help, we could give more people like Carl bigger opportunities for the future and a chance to thrive after being released from prison:

“Before I was working with Shannon Trust, I didn’t know my a, b, c but now I do. I couldn’t spell my own mam’s name. Thank you for the help you have given me. I have also joined the library and am taking out books to read.”

 A huge thank you to our generous match-fund donors and The Scouloudi Foundation for believing in our mission and supporting us during this campaign.


Make your donation go further with The Big Give.


What do I need to do?


Visit The Big Give Christmas Challenge between midday Tuesday 28 November and midday Tuesday 5 December, and make a donation to Shannon Trust. Every donation above £1 will automatically be doubled.


If you know anyone that would be interested in supporting us, spread the message so they could see their donation doubled too.


Thank you so much for your support.

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