Step forward for Shannon Trust’s next virtual challenge: a prison to prison walk

Amy Longstaff
March 16, 2023

This April, Shannon Trust are inviting people to take part in our most ambitious challenge yet - virtually walking from HMP Dartmoor to HMP Northumberland.  

That’s equivalent to 409 miles. But don’t worry, you won’t need to walk that far on your own. 

We’d like you to join the Shannon Trust team, volunteers, mentors and other supporters in collectively walking 409 miles throughout April 2023. All while raising vital funds for Shannon Trust. You can also make a voluntary donation to take part if you prefer.

Whether you walk 5 miles, 20 miles, 100 miles, or even the full 409 miles; you will be helping to ensure nobody is left out of learning. 

If you aren’t able to walk, you are welcome to complete your miles in a way which works for you.  

There will be plenty of motivational support along the way, including a Facebook group to share your progress, and stories from the different locations passed on the route.

With recent figures suggesting 62% of adults in prison, and 15% in the community struggle with their reading, the need for our work remains more vital than ever.  

Your support will help people like Kevin, who told us:

“Shannon Trust has helped my confidence in my reading ability so much. The mentors are so supportive of us. Since starting with Shannon Trust I have been able to go onto a Gardens and Horticulture course, which can be a struggle as I struggle with some of the hard words. My mentors are always available to help me with my work and I feel less of a pressure this way. I cannot wait until the day I can give back and be a mentor myself.”  

If you’d like to sign up to take on the prison to prison walk and raise funds for Shannon Trust, please email for your free fundraising pack and t-shirt.

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