Day in the life of a prison facilitator

Danielle Hughes
February 3, 2023

A typical day is never typical as the job role adapts to the needs of the day, but an example of one of my days would begin coming in and doing my general admin tasks.

I spend my morning training 2 new Shannon Trust mentors. I adapt the training to their individual needs, ensuring that they understand how to deliver the Turning Pages reading programme and the maths scheme, they both have lots of questions and a few worries that we spend time going over and discussing the different ways they can engage with the learners on the wing and in workshops. By the end of the training both men are coming up with amazing ideas on how to promote and reach out to potential new learners and are excited about getting started.

Seeing how enthusiastic they both are makes the job a pleasure and the working partnership that has been created ensures the men feel confident that they can ask for help or advice when they require it.

In the afternoon, I am out and about around the establishment talking with staff on the wings, education, workshops and other departments, raising awareness of Shannon Trust and how they can refer potential learners and understand how our mentors work. While on the wing and workshops I catch up with my mentors. It’s always a pleasure to hear how well the learning is going, especially when a learner approaches me to tell me how much working with his mentor has helped and changed his life and seeing how happy he is that he has completed a Turning Pages book.

After attending the Prison Council Meeting, I return to my office to sort any learning material that the mentors have requested and spend time completing essential data onto spreadsheets and planning my day for tomorrow before leaving for the day.

As I walk out of the gate I have a smile on my face knowing how my role has played a part in helping at least one prisoner to gain the confidence to learn to read.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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