Shannon Trust is working with community partners to enhance our support to learners as they leave prison. This will enable them to continue learning on release and also to reach others in the community in touch with probation services or at risk of offending.

I have been volunteering for Shannon Trust for about four years. I have found the experience really enjoyable and fulfilling. I feel that I am doing something useful and I enjoy my roles, both in a prison and in the community. I have found the support from Shannon Trust excellent and the organisation superb. I have also made new friends! I feel that my volunteering experience with Shannon Trust is widening my horizons, giving me different perspectives and increasing my skills.
- Joy, Community Reading Coach.

Role commitment

By becoming a reading coach, you will enable people to learn basic reading skills in a flexible way, so that day to day tasks like filling in forms or reading a bus timetable become easier.

As a Shannon Trust reading coach, you will work directly with people with low literacy, helping them to improve their reading through the delivery of Turning Pages sessions both on a face to face basis and through the use of technology.

The community reading coach volunteer role is available Monday to Friday during working hours, and in line with the needs of the organisations we are working in partnership with.

We are looking for people who can commit a minimum of 3 to 6 hours a month to the coach role, however, this role can be flexible and include further opportunities for volunteers who wish to expand their volunteering role.

Given the different needs of our learners, and the times they may be available to undertake Shannon Trust sessions, it is likely this won’t be a role in which activities are always able take place on a set day or time each week. A degree of flexibility would subsequently be extremely advantageous.

Community volunteering FAQs

What commitment is required to volunteer at Shannon Trust?
Is there a minimum age to volunteer at Shannon Trust?
I have access requirements, am I able to volunteer with you?
If I live outside the UK, can I volunteer?
I’m interested in a community or business support based volunteering role, will I need to use my own computer devices to volunteer?
Can I volunteer as part of my employer's corporate volunteering days?
I have convictions, can I volunteer with you?
What happens after I sign up to volunteer and fill in an application form?
Do you require a reference to volunteer?
What support will be available to me?
Will volunteering cost me anything?
Will volunteering affect my state benefits?

If you have any further questions, get in touch at