Shannon Trust to receive an incredible £80,000 from The Big ASK

Megan Jackson
January 24, 2022

Even more people will get the chance to learn to read and improve other basic skills, as Shannon Trust receives an unrestricted grant of £80,000 from The Big ASK Foundation.


The generous donation from The Big ASK will support Shannon Trust as they launch their new 3-year strategy.


Ian Merrill, CEO of Shannon Trust, said: “We are delighted to be working with The Big ASK, as we embark on an exciting time at Shannon Trust.


“With our 2022-2024 strategy, we aim to increase the number of people completing our reading programme in prisons, grow the availability of our programmes in the community, and test new ideas to address other basic skill gaps, scaling what works.


“The Big ASK will help make this a reality, by supporting us to ensure nobody is left out of learning.”


The Big ASK has a passion for education, training and counselling, and supports charities that bring about positive, lasting, measurable change in people’s lives.


Find out more about Shannon Trust and why this funding will make a difference to people in prison and the community.

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