Shannon Trust awarded £500,000 from National Lottery Community Fund

Amy Longstaff
March 20, 2024

Shannon Trust are delighted to have been awarded a grant of £500,000 from The National Lottery Community Fund.


The funding will be used to help us grow our national volunteer network over the next 2 years, so that we can provide better access to our literacy and numeracy programmes in prisons and in communities.


The generosity of The National Lottery means we can better support our existing volunteers, while continuing to grow our capacity and capabilities. We are excited to leverage this fantastic opportunity to support many more people to transform their lives through learning.


Emma Corrigan, England Director at The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “Shannon Trust is doing amazing work to support people both in and leaving prison, providing much-needed skills that will help them integrate back in to the community. I’m delighted our funding is being used in this way to help people improve their lives and strengthen society.” 


This is Shannon Trust’s largest ever 2 year grant award.


Ian Merrill, CEO of Shannon Trust said: “We are delighted that The National Lottery Community Fund has recognised the value of Shannon Trust’s work. This grant will allow us to ensure, through our national volunteer network, that we can support many more people to improve their literacy and numeracy. We are proud to work in partnership with the National Lottery to transform lives through learning.”


We are so grateful to The National Lottery Community Fund for believing in our work and joining us in making sure nobody is left out of learning.


Watch this space!

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