Shannon Trust are delighted to announce a new, significant grant of £500,000 from The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust.
Julia and Hans Rausing said, “We are pleased to announce our support to the Shannon Trust and its literacy programmes in prisons. The Shannon Trust has shown that individuals that are given the opportunity to learn to read and write have a better pathway to rehabilitation. Our support has been made to provide this fundamental skill to even more people.”
The grant will support the work of Shannon Trust as it embarks on a new three-year strategy with the aims of:
- Reaching many more people in prison with low literacy by significantly increasing access to our Turning Pages programme
- Building on our presence in the community, by making Turning Pages available to learners through multiple partner agencies
- Broadening our learning offer to include basic maths in a number of prisons during 2022, with wider roll-out over the life of the strategy
Ian Merrill, CEO of Shannon Trust said, “We are delighted to be working with the Julia and Hans Rausing Trust, as they support Shannon Trust to ensure nobody is left out of learning. Their generous funding will help us to transform the lives of many more people in need of support with reading and other basic skills."
Find out more about the impact of Shannon Trust’s work here.
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